A certain someone, who shall not be named, but surely knows that I dislike me-mes, has tagged me nevertheless. I'm only doing this cos she owes me a pair of shoes!
Oh, and I don't care about the rules. Muahahahahahaha........
1. Where is your cell phone: On my desk, and the other one's in my bag. Omera habits yawa!
2. Relationship: Love my baby to bits!!
3. Your hair: Loc'd and proud!
4. Work: Enjoying it. Lakini I can see some real hard decision making in the pipeline.
5. Your sisters: One... almost carbon copy. Msim-harass kwa matatu!
6. Your favorite things: Books, strokes, Mamarula, music, friends, traveling, family, fish, my baby, shoes, shoes, bags! etc
7. Your dream last night: Eh, heh heh I have very complicated dreams. They're like an entire season of Prison Break crammed into 8 hours! Yaani I barely remember them myself. Lakini yani I dream the colours are in technicolor!!
8. Your favorite drink: Eeh alcoholic ama the entire spectrum of fluids? Juice? Alcohol?..... ah this question is hard. The only one I don't drink is gin. Everything else is fair game. I've even drunk palm wine!
9. Your dream car: ANY range rover!! Kwanza the old mkebe Vogue!! I want a canary yellow one with cowhide interior!! Ama the Sport. Its kinda cute! Oh and Jaguars are pretty cool too. Ama a Porsche 911 boxter!
10. The room you’re in: Ofisi, lots of lunatics. Enyewe we need an in-house shrink
11. Your shoes: Never enough!! Yaani now, why can't I have all the shoes I want!
12. Your fears: Death of loved ones. I am also discovering a fear of heights and flying. Dunno know where from!
13. What do you want to be in 10 years: Why should I have answer to this? As if it makes it any difference. I just wanna be happy! Oh and I want to be a mummy!
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend: His pals, my pals, and a very well built and athletic stripper!
15. What are you not good at: Demanding what I deserve.
16. Muffins? Yes please, bran ones. Lakini, only from the Karen provision store and they bloody don't make them any more!
17. Wish-list item: Yay finally bought the camera (it is beautiful!) so now I want babies, the 30gb iPod or a brand spanking new VW Golf! Oh, and I'm standing at a wedding on Sato and NEED gold shoes. HELP!
18. Where you grew up: Outskirts of Nairobi
19. The last thing you did: Laugh at a colleague, lakini in good faith.
20. What are you wearing: Skirt!
21. What are you not wearing: Like KM says, dumb question, but if I must answer... Manolo Blahniks!
22. Your favorite pet: I REALLY want a dog. I keep trying to get my friends with compounds to get a dog we can co-share.
23. Your computer: Eh still in a store somewhere...
24. Your life: I'm happy.
25. Your mood: I'm good, thanks.
26. Missing: A good night's sleep. Like 12 hours!
27. What are you thinking about: Eh, nothing really. My back aches.
28. Your dream location: Greece or Jamaica.
29. Your Ex: I still think he's kinda hot but now I know he's a cad! But he's an honourable cad so that's cool.
30. Your Favorite Item: My camera definitely. I need to name it.
31. Your favorite color: Green, I'm obsessed with it! Otherwise earthy reds, peaches, oranges, browns....
32. Last time you laughed: Three minutes ago.
33. Last time you cried: Actually, since I cry during every extreme makeover home edition and sappy movie, can't answer this one objectively.
34. School: Dear Lord, help me to get my ass back in school this year!
35. Love: is yummy!