· The crocs are cool!
· The crocs are comfortable!
· They own the crocs!
p1nk13 said...
Heh! Ms K yaan1 th1s 1s what the med1a term as 'A roar1ng rampage' aga1nst crocs.Bel1eve me 1 love shoes, and th1s 1s most probably the hardest th1ng to adm1t:I th1nk crocs are cool (duck1ng in shame) 1 swear those shoes look comfy, and since you saw them in Na1, 1'm go1ng to get me a pa1r. Don't hate me, Ms K - love's bl1nd Lol
Anonymous said...
but like for real girl, me I rock a pair of them croco-dilos. Comfort lakini ingalau they help me run for the subway :)
Obviously, someone is slipping a little something into your drinking water cos you clearly are not thinking straight.
These things (for they cannot be called shoes!), it can also be claimed that they are comfortable, but does that mean you’re going to go out and speand your hard-earned shillings on them?
(And by the way, if your answer is yes, I'm striking you OFF!)

I mean, we all know that slippers and those cute, stuffed bunny slippers are really really comfortable, but we all know better than to wear them out in the world!
Sneakers are comfortable! I have several pairs of really rad sneakers but you don’t wear your pin-stripped suit with the sneakers! Even when you're running for the subway/bus/matatu/donkey cart! (Or do you? Oh you do?! Be gone!)
As the Manolo so eloquently says:
The Manolo does not fully approve of wearing the sneakers for the commute, because one never knows whom one may encounter. Better to look your best from the instant you leave the house, even if this means the men playing basketball in the schoolyard no longer glance approvingly at your feetwear.
So, you who declares that they help you run for the subway, here are the luscious alternatives!
The fabulous black pair

The sweet and dainty pink and white

The yummy royal blue

The risque and fashionable gold

And the sturdy and serious

For more, visit Manolo's website
As for you who says they are cool, perhaps you’d also like a pair of these, for your beach and ocean floor frolicking!

All pics: The Manolo