The joy and pride I was brimming with yesterday is sadly nowhere to be found today.
A colleague just walked in saying he had been mugged by a group of youth who inspected his ID and told him "Its good you're not a Luo. Those Luos will see us [watatuona]."
Another colleague tells us a story of his friend who escaped narrowly when he drove away from a crowd demanding to see his ID.
Who are these people? What is going on?
I'm particularly subjective today as I strongly support one side and believe that one specific party is squarely responsible for the violence and renewed tribal animosities we are witnessing today because they are refusing to take their fate like men and admit defeat.
But I won't get into that cos that storo will never end.
However, I believe it is time for those who are trying to be underhanded to stop!!! This country is much bigger than your selfish interests, you nasty bunch of losers!!
We have lived and still live side by side and your petty ambitions are irrelevant. We hang out together, we get married to each other, we work together.
Stop it and walk away. Read the writing on the wall. We are done with you. Even if you slither back, we WILL get rid of you eventually. We may fight today, we may be unreasonable and make off-hand senseless remarks about each other. But tomorrow, we will heal. We will rise above your mercenary shenanigans and then, THEN, we will have a common enemy and it will be you!!
And God help you when we set our sights on you!!
Make no mistake, we will get you.
I hope and pray that people across the country will come to their senses. Our power is not in pangas or sticks or violence, our power, our strength is our vote and our voice.
Let us not sacrifice our gains and growth at the hands of a bunch of grumpy old men who are out of touch with the times.
And I hope Odinga and Kibaki realize, and quickly, that they need to stand together and save this country before it burns.
Who will save our country? I know I sound alarmist, but my blood curled when my colleague walked in with that story. It could be me, it could be one of the people I love. And the next person will not be so lucky. And it could be you.
God bless Kenya.